Haslemere Community Station and Signal Box Trust
Equality and Diversity
1 Intention of Policy
1.1 It is the policy of the HCS&SBT to treat all employees, volunteers, and customers fairly and equally regardless of their sex, sexual orientation, marital status, race, colour, nationality, ethnic or national origin, religion, age or disability.
1.2 HCS&SBT will ensure that no requirement or condition will be imposed without justification which could disadvantage individuals purely on any of the above grounds.
1.3 The policy applies to the recruitment and selection of potential and actual volunteers.
2 Responsibility for Implementation of this Policy
2.1 The overall responsibility for the policy lies with the HCS&SBT Board. However, all volunteers are required to comply with the policy and to act in accordance with its objectives.
2.2 HCS&SBT aims to treat all its volunteers equally. We will ensure that no discrimination occurs at any stage, from recruitment and selection, through training and development, appraisal and leaving employment, on any grounds including: sex, religion, age, race, ethnic or national origin, disability, sexual orientation or marital status.
HCS&SBT aims to promote equality by communicating the policy to all volunteers dealing promptly with any complaints or grievances reviewing the impact on equality of other policies and practices
2.3 Your rights and responsibilities
If you believe you have been unfairly discriminated against, you should use the grievance procedure to raise the matter with the HCS&SBT Chairperson.
2.4 You must ensure that your behaviour does not discriminate against other, volunteers, suppliers or members of the public. If you breach this policy, you could be dismissed for gross misconduct.
3 Legal Framework
The HCS&SBT will ensure that the legal provisions of the Race Relations Act (1976), Race Relations (Amendment) Act (2000), Sex Discrimination Acts (1975 and 1986), Disability Discrimination Act (1995), Human Rights Act (1998) and Equality Act (2010) are adhered to.
4 Monitoring
Implementation of this policy will be reviewed by the HCS&SBT every three years. Any issues arising will be addressed promptly and actions taken to rectify any identified problems.