Haslemere Community Station and Signal Box Trust (HCS&SBT)
Health and Safety Policy
1 Statutory Responsibility
HCS&SBT has overall responsibility for Health and Safety. The persons delegated by the Board have day-to-day responsibility for the implementation of this policy are:
(To be appointed)
1 It is the duty of all employees, volunteers and visitors to take care of themselves and others who may be affected by their activities and to co-operate with the management in making the visit to Haslemere Signal Box and associated facilities a safe and healthy one.
2 If an employee, volunteer or visitor comes across a health and safety problem in the Signal Box or any other HCS&SBT building or area where they are working, which cannot be rectified immediately, then the (To be appointed) should be informed in order that the matter might receive attention.
Persons responsible are:
Fire precautions and checks:
First aid and accident reporting:
Contractors and visitors:
Risk assessment and inspections:
Health and Safety policy review: HCS&SBT Board
Training and information:
2 Arrangements and Procedures
Fire precautions and checks: Haslemere Fire Station – Station Officer Steve Brewer 01428 643991
Maintenance of fire safety equipment, extinguishers and emergency lighting: None currently held
3 First Aid and Reporting and Recording of Accidents
The person responsible for first aid and the upkeep of the first aid boxes is the Centre Manager.
First Aid boxes are located at:
The Accident Book is kept in: The Information Hub
Person to inform of accidents:
Person responsible for completing RIDDOR forms:
4 Training and Information
The person responsible for training and providing information to volunteers and visitors in order to enable them to use the building safely is ......
5 Contractors
The appropriate Board member will always check with contractors before they start work:
5.1 that the contract is clear and understood by both the contractors and the HCS&SBT Board;
5.2 that the contractors are competent to carry out the work they have been asked to do;
5.3 that the contractors have adequate public liability insurance cover;
5.4 that the contractors have their own Health and Safety Policy for their staff.
7 Risk Assessments and Inspections
The HSC&SBT Health and Safety lead is the person responsible for risk assessments and inspections. Risk assessments should be carried out at regular intervals and at least every 12 months.
HCS&SBT has overall responsibility for Health and Safety. The persons delegated by the Board have day-to-day responsibility for the implementation of this policy are:
(To be appointed)
1 It is the duty of all employees, volunteers and visitors to take care of themselves and others who may be affected by their activities and to co-operate with the management in making the visit to Haslemere Signal Box and associated facilities a safe and healthy one.
2 If an employee, volunteer or visitor comes across a health and safety problem in the Signal Box or any other HCS&SBT building or area where they are working, which cannot be rectified immediately, then the (To be appointed) should be informed in order that the matter might receive attention.
Persons responsible are:
Fire precautions and checks:
First aid and accident reporting:
Contractors and visitors:
Risk assessment and inspections:
Health and Safety policy review: HCS&SBT Board
Training and information:
2 Arrangements and Procedures
Fire precautions and checks: Haslemere Fire Station – Station Officer Steve Brewer 01428 643991
Maintenance of fire safety equipment, extinguishers and emergency lighting: None currently held
3 First Aid and Reporting and Recording of Accidents
The person responsible for first aid and the upkeep of the first aid boxes is the Centre Manager.
First Aid boxes are located at:
The Accident Book is kept in: The Information Hub
Person to inform of accidents:
Person responsible for completing RIDDOR forms:
4 Training and Information
The person responsible for training and providing information to volunteers and visitors in order to enable them to use the building safely is ......
5 Contractors
The appropriate Board member will always check with contractors before they start work:
5.1 that the contract is clear and understood by both the contractors and the HCS&SBT Board;
5.2 that the contractors are competent to carry out the work they have been asked to do;
5.3 that the contractors have adequate public liability insurance cover;
5.4 that the contractors have their own Health and Safety Policy for their staff.
7 Risk Assessments and Inspections
The HSC&SBT Health and Safety lead is the person responsible for risk assessments and inspections. Risk assessments should be carried out at regular intervals and at least every 12 months.